Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) revolves around the idea of a constant state of change, explained through the theory of Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang are philosophical conceptualization. They refers to two complementary concepts which may be observed in all related phenomena within the natural world. This may include the relationships of: dark and light; movement and stillness; creative and destructive; obvious and subtle.
Anyway, Yin and Yang are not static concepts. They are constantly influencing each other. Good circulation of organ energies (or Qi) and a balance of the opposing aspects – Yin and Yang – are required for good health.
Traditional Chinese Medicine theory focuses mainly on balance. Qi and Blood need to circulate smoothly throughout the body in a constant and consistent fashion for optimal wellness. If the circulation is poor, then health problems occur. The TCM approach is fundamentally different from that of modern Western medicine. In TCM, the understanding of the human body is based on the holistic understanding of the universe as described in Taoism, and the treatment of illness is based primarily on the diagnosis and differentiation of syndromes.
In TCM, Yin and Yang refer to energies and functioning modes of organs and body functions. The Yin (cool, calming side of the body) and the Yang (hot, stimulating side of the body) energy need to maintain a balance to achieve good health. The goal of TCM treatment is to adjust and harmonize Yin and Yang – wet and dry, cold and heat, body and mind. Basically, Yang is linked to heat, while Yin is associated with coldness and is responsible for moistening and cooling organs.
Our healthy state is created by the right balance of Yin and Yang. Therefore, it is advisable to make choices that contribute to balance in our lives. Once the balance is impaired by factors such as emotions, improper diet and overwork, the body will become ill. For example, when the spleen is lacking in Qi will cause digestion problem. This results in symptoms such as fatigue, weakness in the arms and legs, bloating after meals, indigestion and watery stools. Harmony of Yin and Yang is accomplished by regulating the Qi, Moisture and Blood in the organ networks. Weak organs are strengthened. Congested channels are opened to flow, heat is cooled, cold is warmed, tightness is softened, agitation is calmed and dryness is moistened.